Many individuals are familiar with the name Rod Stewart. The British rock star has had a distinguished life filled with numerous marriages and relationships. But he has evolved as a person as a result of his connection with his third wife…
To find out more about the rock star’s personal life and marriage, keep reading.
Six of Rod Stewart’s children are from four separate women. Sarah, his daughter from a relationship he had as a teenager, is his oldest kid. His next two children, Kimberly and Sean, were born with his first wife Alana Hamilton, whom he later married.

They welcomed their daughter Ruby together later, when the singer was dating Kelly Emberg. After this, the singer wed Rachel Hunter, and together they had Renee and Liam.
But the singer had given up on finding genuine love after years of fruitless relationships and two abortive weddings. But in 1999, he met Penny Lancaster, a supermodel who won his heart, and all of his worries vanished.
Before asking for her hand in marriage in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the two of them dated for seven years. Since Stewart is older than his current wife, the two of them have been together for 24 years. But he attributes his transformation into the devoted husband he is now to the former supermodel.
The musician frequently expresses his surprise that his wife continues to accept his proposal of marriage after all these years. “I am lost for words. They have not invented the words for how I feel about her. She is everything,” he shared.
The musician admitted that, before he wed Lancaster, he was unaware of all the factors that go into a happy, long-lasting marriage. But after he wed Lancaster, he came to understand that he was capable of being a devoted and loving husband.
However, the artist has made it clear over the years that his children would always come first, no matter where he was in his love life. He once commented, “I cannot get enough of them,” he once said.
Stewart is eager to note out that while his wife improved his life, he also assisted his wife in many ways. He described how he boosted her self-confidence. When they initially met, he recalled, she was quiet and reserved.
Lancaster’s modeling career got off to a fast start when she was young. In 2002, she was given a £200,000 contract to be a model for the swimwear and lingerie company Ultimo. Alastair and Aiden are the couple’s two kids. Nevertheless, getting them wasn’t simple. Prior to using IVF to conceive their first son Alastair, Lancaster had experienced two miscarriages.
The pair agreed to continue fostering their marriage despite having children together and entered into parenting with eyes wide open.
Also mentioned by Lancaster was how the couple had agreed that they would not be away for longer than ten days.
The couple aims to always spent quality time with one another. Lancaster once jokingly said, “I try and split my time between my eldest child, Rod, and my other two boys.”
On their own, the pair frequently enjoyed breakfast or dinner. In order to ensure everything is well, they also make sure to often check in on one another.
As a wife and mother, she constantly wants to make sure that her loved ones are okay, so she makes sure to keep an eye on her kids as well.
The former supermodel talked about some uncomfortable menopausal symptoms she had gone through and how they had affected her body. However, she is well-cared-for by her husband and sons, which helps make things a little easier for her.
Because of the close bond between husband and wife, Lancaster tells her husband about every change in her body and hormonal activity. Additionally, she doesn’t hesitate to ask for some space when she needs it.
She discussed the effects of menopause on her body and health. “I’ve been having the really hot sweats, and then freezing cold… my body temperature is fluctuating all over the place. It affects your mood swings; I’ve been putting on more weight.”
She also discussed how her hormone fluctuations impact her. She described how she felt everything was wrong one day. Something struck her as she was preparing dinner in the kitchen.
Her sons were with her and she asked them to give her a minute. The family has an open communication policy so it was not an issue as they discussed it in detail later on.
The former model saw how menopause was changing her body and she was afraid of what it might mean fo her. She said, “This is the end of the road. I am not going to have any more sex appeal….” she said.
As she got older, the former supermodel wanted to make sure she was still giving back to society and hence trained to become a police officer.
She also got help to manage her menopause symptoms. She shared, “So now that I’m on HRT, it’s like a fresh start. Not the end, but the beginning of a new chapter.”
Lancaster has accepted this new phase in her life and her post-menopausal body. She had a beach day with her sons where she sported a colorful bikini showing off her new body in all its glory.
The comments on her pictures however were not all that kind. Some users said how they would “rather see Rod in a bikini.” While another referred to her body as a “horror.”
The comments were incredibly horrible. Another person wrote, “Nope. Nothing pretty about this. There’s a point one has to stop wearing a bikini!” Another added “Looks horrid in that inappropriate attire.” Quite a few other people said the former supermodel was in denial about how her body looked.
However, the negative comments are not important compared to Rod’s opinion about his beloved wife. He said about his wife how he absolutely adores her. The rockstar said of her, “No, she is absolutely the most gorgeous woman I have ever had in my life.”
No matter what anyone thinks, Lancaster may be sure that her spouse finds her to be extraordinarily attractive and appealing. She can find solace in her husband’s unconditional love for her, despite any unpleasant remarks that may be made towards her.
The Stewarts have a beautiful family that they have built together and a wonderful bond with one another. Send this article to your friends and family so they may see what a lovely and devoted spouse Rod Stewart has become!